Thread Identification kits are available for countless styles of hydraulic hose fittings, particularly for common styles and sizes, for example, NPT, SAE, metric and BSPP fittings.

These kits are designed to reduce confusion between different styles of fittings, which have fairly similar threads. They’re also used to differentiate between male and female fittings. Although fittings may look the same, they will mate together properly — which can be a serious problem. If you try to mate parallel threads of two different styles together, you’ll quickly see leakage and eventually damage to the threads.
Individuals in maintenance or repair of hydraulic equipment should have thread identification kits on hand when they need to replace fittings, or especially for components manufactured for or in the European market.
Most kits come with the most common sizes of both male and female thread fittings and they are usually color-coded with matching guide on the lid to make it easy to tell the different styles apart. The size is often imprinted right on the fitting.
These kits come in cases that can be easily used throughout a plant or job site. Using the kit’s included fittings along with your ID/OD calipers to measure thread inner and outer diameters and thread pitch gauges for thread pitch and size will help prevent costly mistakes.
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