Power management company Eaton announced three new high performance hose cutting machines that will provide a higher level of operator safety with breakthrough technology used in the hose cutting process. These new machines easily cut a complete range of hydraulic, industrial and specialty hoses with quick processing times.
Traditional methods of hose cutting include lowering an abrasive or steel saw blade onto a hose, causing compression and deformation, friction, heat and burning; or pushing the hose up and into a stationary smooth or serrated blade. Both of these methods allow kerf, or cutting debris from the hose, to deposit into the hose and pollute the surrounding environment. Eaton’s new hydraulic hose cutting machines use downward force, which feeds the hose into the advanced new styles of cutting blades while bending the hose as it is cut. This allows the hose to pass clear of the saw blade, which minimizes unnecessary contact of the hose with the sides of the blade, resulting in minimal friction, heat and kerf deposits for a safer and much cleaner cut. The tiny amounts of debris that are generated are sucked into the blade housing’s vacuum port, another unique feature in these machines. A vacuum hose connected to this port removes the dirt, debris, cuttings and smoke, thus dramatically reducing environmental pollution.
In the new cutting method, the hose is positioned across multiple bending pins on stationary plates to ensure maximum bending capabilities. Then, the hose is moved into the blade using a pull-down handle. The pull-down handle allows the operator to apply downward force when cutting the hose, providing better leverage as compared to traditional push-up handles, which requires more operator energy.
The new hose cutting machines are equipped with either a two or five horsepower (HP) direct drive motor. The ET9100-07-110 hydraulic hose saw uses the two HP motor and a 7-in. blade for cutting up to 1.25 in. four-spiral hose. The 10-in. blade machine, model number ET9200-10-220, uses a five HP direct drive motor, allowing cutting of up to 2-in. six-spiral hoses. Finally, the ET9300-14-220 hose saw houses a 14-in. blade powered by a five HP motor to provide cutting capabilities of up to 2.5 in. six-spiral hoses and 4-in. industrial hoses. All models are equipped with direct drive motors that eliminate the issues with belt slippage and replacement problems as experienced in other types of machine designs.
Saw demo videos: