Continental employees recently participated in an annual “Conti Cares” event that included volunteering during the holiday season and giving back to charitable organizations in the community in which they work.
“We want to create value for those who live and work near our locations,” said Jim Hill, heading Continental’s North American industrial business and based in Ohio. “Our employees recognize the value of supporting many local charitable causes especially during the holiday season. Annually, they have been generous with their time and their money. It’s just amazing to see how they all look forward to these events every year.”
On Friday, December 13, more than 60 employees (one-third of the company’s Fairlawn workforce) participated in a Conti “Day of Giving,” volunteering at three local organizations. The charitable causes included Stewarts Caring Place, a cancer wellness center in Fairlawn; The Akron/Canton Food Bank in Akron; and the Humane Society of Summit County in Twinsburg. Continental employees performed a variety of tasks all focused on helping the local organizations prepare for the holidays.
On Wednesday, December 18, in a Conti “Day of Caring,” employees contributed more than 3,000 pounds of non-perishable food items to the Copley Outreach Center. Last year, Continental employees donated more than 2,600 pounds of food items.
“It is just amazing to me, every year, how engaged and motivated our employees participate in these events,” said Hill. “The participation is exemplary knowing that it’s difficult to devote time and effort to any cause during this busy time of the year. We are proud of all of our Continental-Fairlawn employees.”’
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